Michiganders Quit Quitting Their Jobs At Record Rates Last Year
At one time, Michigan was losing jobs at a pretty steady, and expedient rate. Residents were even seen leaving the state in droves over the past year, but that was mostly for retirement, and to be closer to family.
Seems like things for the working class are on the rise, as Michigan was just named one of the top three states for places where people were quitting their jobs the least. Basically, Michigan has "quit quitting."
According to research collected by SelectSoftware Reviews, Michigan is now one of the top states for job retention in the country, and has a quick-declining rate of people quitting their current jobs.
The surveys were all taken over a full year, starting in December of 2022, and found that Michigan saw a job quitting, and resignation rate decline of 37.5% across the full year. That puts it as the third fastest decline in quitting in the country.
Only Colorado and Idaho performed better, with Colorado falling 37.9% in quitters, and Idaho, nearly HALVING the amount of people quo quit their job the year before at 48.9%.
But, there's like... what, 400 people who live in Idaho? So maybe 30 less people quit this year. (HAHA)
I'm kidding, it's impressive, but for Michigan, which does have 10 million people living here, this is incredible news. And for the record, Michigan is also performing at nearly twice the national average, which was a 15.4% decline in people quitting their jobs.
CEO of SelectSoftware, Phil Strazzula said this is great news, after an insane resignation rate in 2020 and 2021. He attributes it to more job openings, hirings, and rates being down.
"Employees are aware that the job market has become more competitive, and they might not be able to find another position if they were to resign."
He also said, the shift could be coming from workplaces putting more of an emphasis on their staff's wellbeing. And if we're being honest, this is DEFINITELY the number one contributor. If my job was treating me like garbage, I'd quit in a heartbeat and take a chance in the competitive job market.
I'm gonna be poor either way, might as well not be poor in a toxic work environment, too, right?
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