The online gambling gurus at Play USA analyzed numbers drawn throughout the history of the Powerball lottery and have determined which number appears most frequently. The question is: Will you use this information or stick with your lucky numbers?

I already know the luckiest number in the lottery, but I don't know if I'll use it or the top five. Why? The instant I deviate from my numbers—let's use Club Keno as an example—they instantly appear to mock me. However, they seem to go on vacation when I play them, waiting for me to try something new again. 

Michigan Lottery Luck vs. Chance vs. Logic

A hand holding ping pong balls that spell out lotto.

I usually don't play the lotto. Like many Michiganders, I might pick up a Powerball ticket when the jackpot gets over $100 million. Whenever I do this I'm struck by the irony that I'll happily part with two bucks when I have a chance to win over $100 million, but I can't be bothered for anything less. As if $1 million or even $50,000 isn't life-changing money.

But, as the saying goes, "You can't win if you don't play." Maybe, armed with the luckiest numbers in the lotto, I'll fork out my "voluntary Michigan tax (as my Dad called it)" and pony up for a chance to win big.

Win Big: Revealing Powerball's "Luckiest" Numbers

The online gambling gurus at Play USA looked at every number drawn since the Powerball first arrived on the lottery scene in 1992 to determine which number is most frequently drawn. Is your lucky number number one? Here's a look at the 10 "Luckiest" Numbers in Powerball based on how many times they've been drawn.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

Unluckiest to Luckiest: Ranking 'Luck' in 17 Michigan Casinos

How do you measure luck in a Michigan casino? You go where people share their most brutal and honest opinions: reviews. mined Trip Advisor reviews for happy customers using keywords like 'luck,' 'success,' and 'win' to determine which Michigan casino was the luckiest. For the full methodology of the study, see the link on the #1 entry. Beginning with the state's most unlucky, let's countdown to Michigan's Luckiest Casino.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

The House Always Wins: Top Gaming Revenue Casino Markets in 2023

Which casino market in the United States rakes in the most revenue? While #1 may not surprise you, you may be taken aback by where some of the country's lesser-known metros stack up against the Las Vegas, Nevada powerhouse. Here's a look at the Top 20 Casino Markets for Revenue in 2023, according to the American Gaming Association (AGA).

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow